About Us - Yoga by Donation
Yogam Yoga is a traditional community-based school focusing on the ancient Indian scientific process of yoga. This is an all-encompassing practice of purification, health and fitness related postures, breathing exercises and meditation, leading to the calming of the mind and ultimately self-realisation. Classes are by donation making these yoga affordable and accessible for all.
Mission Statement
At Yogam Yoga, we are dedicated to transforming lives and nurturing communities through the art and practice of yoga. Our mission is to promote holistic wellness by making yoga accessible to all, regardless of age, ability, or background. We believe that the practice of yoga extends beyond the mat; it is a pathway to physical vitality and mental clarity.
We strive to foster an inclusive environment where individuals can cultivate their well-being while developing a sense of community and shared purpose. By encouraging the service of others, we aim to uplift disadvantaged communities through initiatives focused on nutrition, education, and support.
Integrated with moral values, our approach to yoga invites practitioners to reflect on their role as compassionate stewards of their community, promoting a cycle of kindness and generosity. At the heart of Yogam Yoga is the belief that the journey toward a higher level of consciousness begins with self-awareness and collective upliftment. Together, we aspire to create a world where every individual can experience the transformative power of yoga, connect deeply with themselves and others, and embody the principles of kindness, service, and mindfulness.
Join us as we breathe, move, and grow together in harmony, striving for a brighter future for all.
Please read our Disclaimer regarding our classes by clicking here:
Seva Projects
Yoga Yoga is affiliated to the Tara Foundation of Malaysia which uses the ancient Gurukul system of India to educate the most marginalised in our communities of South Africa. This follows our lineage of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, who advocated that seva (selfless service) is one of the most important parts of the journey of yoga. Yogam Yoga works with some of the most impoverished communities of South Africa. Much work is done to empower the local community but particularly the youth.
The Yogam Yoga community helps with weekly donations such as food, clothes and books. Many of our members also offer their help and expertise in teaching children at our free after school tuition centres.. FIf you can help in any way, please let us know.
Definition of Yogam and Yoga
We have chosen the Sanskrit word ‘Yogam’ to describe our Yoga because it is loaded with meaning. Amongst other definitions, Yogam can mean the following and demonstrates the ethos of Yogam Yoga:
Bg 2.53, Bg 7.1
Is our ultimate aim to discover our true self (atman), which is not the mind or the body, and thereby real yoga or union takes place between us and our own understanding of infinite consciousness.
SB 3.33.35, SB 4.1.49-52, Bg 6.11-12
The word 'Yoga' come from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'. As per yogic scriptures the practice of Yoga leads to the union of individual consciousness with that of the universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, man and nature.
Science of one’s relationship to the Supreme
Bg 4.1
Yoga has no religious affiliation. In fact, in the Sutras of Patanjali (seen as the definitive text of yoga written over 2500 years ago, there is one reference to God. Patanjali states that ‘Ishvara pranidhana’ is the last of the Niyamas or the duties directed towards ourselves - inner observances. Ishvara refers to all-pervading consciousness; pranidhana means to surrender. Together, these words may be translated as ‘trustful surrender to God’. This niyama is not a process of defeat or of mindlessly submitting to another’s will. It is the act of giving ourselves to a higher purpose.
The eightfold yoga system
Bg 6.3
Ashtanga yoga or raja yoga is the 8-step yoga system is Patanjali's classification of yoga, as set out in his Yoga Sutras. He defined the eight limbs as:
Yama – abstinences (non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, sexual restraint & non-possessiveness)
Niyama – observances (purity, contentment, perseverance, study of oneself, contemplation of Ishvara)
Asana - postures
Pranayama – breath control
Pratyahara - withdrawal or the energy of the senses
Dharana - one-pointed concentration
Dhyana - meditation
Samadhi - absorption or bliss
The eight limbs form a sequence from the outer to the inner. Postures, important in modern yoga, form only one limb of Patanjali's scheme only; he states only that they must be steady and comfortable.
Devotional Service (Karma Yoga)
Bg 5.5, Bg 5.1, Bg 12.11
It is the practice of selfless action performed for the benefit of others. Karma yoga is a path to reach moksha (spiritual liberation) through work. It is rightful action without being attached to fruits or being manipulated by what the results might be, a dedication to one's duty, and trying one's best while being neutral to rewards or outcomes such as success or failure.
We firmly believe seva or service through our compassion for others and a genuine desire to uplift those around you.
Please read this important information prior to starting classes with us:
We are so delighted that you are considering joining our community. Whether you’re new to yoga or returning to your practice, our classes are designed to accommodate individuals of all levels. Our aim is to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable and supported.
Yogam Yoga is a registered charity and community group run by donation-based yoga teachers, including trainees, with the mission to share traditional yoga practices with as many individuals as possible. We adhere to the teachings of Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga, guiding practitioners on the path to self-realisation. Yoga is a transformative practice that encompasses physical exercise, breath-work, and meditation. Through yoga, you will cultivate a deeper awareness of your body and its capabilities, while embracing the fundamental principle of ahimsa (non-violence). Our motto at Yogam Yoga is ‘No Pain, ALL the Gain.’ Remember, yoga is not a competition; it is important to find comfort in your own body, honouring its unique limitations.
IMPORTANT: Please inform the instructor of any health concerns or if you are pregnant before attending class.
Classes operate on a donation basis to cover costs. If you are able, we suggest a contribution of around R60 per class or R500 per month for unlimited classes. However, please don’t let financial constraints prevent you from joining us; everyone is welcome, and you can contribute what you are able to.
We recommend wearing modest, comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement. Yogam Yoga T-shirts are available for purchase if desired. Please avoid wearing socks to prevent slipping on your mat—being barefoot helps you feel more connected to the earth.
Kindly bring your own mat. This practice ensures cleanliness and allows you to maintain your personal space. We encourage you to avoid stepping on others' mats for hygiene purposes.
Your generous donations contribute significantly to our educational initiatives for disadvantaged children. These funds help provide essential materials, nutritious food, and vital support to those in need. Many members of our community selflessly volunteer at our orphanage and school, where we proudly run these projects, offering teaching assistance and nourishment. Our dedicated yoga instructors teach free of charge, ensuring that your contributions can go even further to support those in need after covering our hall rental costs. Together, we are making a positive difference in the lives of children and their families.
By participating in Yogam Yoga classes, whether in-person or online, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
We strive to provide a nurturing and safe environment for your practice, guided by general principles to support your well-being. However, we cannot take responsibility for any injuries you may incur during your practice.
If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, we advise consulting your doctor beforehand and checking with your instructor to ensure that our practices are appropriate for you.
It’s important for you to take full responsibility for your own physical and overall well-being as you follow the teacher’s instructions. Remember the golden rule: “If it doesn’t feel right, please don’t do it.” Should you feel discomfort or need to modify your posture, we encourage you to listen to your body and seek assistance whenever necessary.
Yogam Yoga will not accept liability for any injuries or other issues arising from your participation in this program. As with any physical activity, the risk of injury exists, and while we do our utmost to provide a safe practice, it cannot be completely eliminated. If you experience pain or discomfort, we ask that you adjust your posture or discontinue the practice as needed. Ultimately, you are responsible for your decision to practice yoga with us.
Remember, by caring for yourself, you will unlock the many benefits that yoga has to offer. Use this opportunity to deepen your awareness and understanding of your body and your inner self. Most importantly, we invite you to savour the journey of practice with us - together, we can create a supportive and uplifting community.
"Yoga is not only for spiritual growth but also our main help in building a strong mind to form an eternal body free from disease, rust and old age. By resorting to this Yoga, mankind will forever be freed from decay, disease and untimely death—the miserable mortal life will become blissful.”
— Swami Sivananda Saraswati of Assam